Runescape name: Dragonkin892
Combat Level: 138/126
Total Level:2239
Highest Skill: attack,strength,defence,hitpoints,prayer,range,magic,slayer,summoning,thieving,construction, fletching, cooking, crafting.
Favorite Skill: slayer/summoning/crafting/construction.
Are you currently in any other clan?: yup
Can we use your name for runehead?: yes
How did you find out about us?: old friend of alot of members in los. ^_^
will you follow the rules?: yes
What is rule 4?: Insanity is a must.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm Danny, 20 year's old..Been playing RS off and on for 5 year's..Music is my passion..I'm the leader of a skilling clan named "Shadows of Guthix"..I own Pinnoob..And I like to slay.